Just Things Foundation
// advocacy
We help organizations – commercial and public – create an internet of things we all benefit from.
As a foundation it's our goal to increase the awareness about ethical dilemmas in the development of internet-connected products and services. We do this through exhibitions, conceptual designs, education, workshops, publications, and organizing events. We collaborate with Mozilla’s Open IoT studio, and the ThingsCon community for example.
In 2015 we launched the IoT Design Manifesto. This foundation builds on these principles and aims to transform them into actionable standards for a broader audience to work with.
Get in touch with us here: info[at]justthings.org
SIDN Fonds (2016)
English: Core77, Core 77, Council
Dutch: BNR (radio), Bright.nl (video), Bright.nl, Emerce, Twice,
German: Die Presse
Co-founding board member
Marcel Schouwenaar (The Incredible Machine); Anner Tiete (Beyond IO); Harm van Beek (The Incredible Machine); Jan Belon (Afdeling Buitengewone Zaken)