Internet of Things Design Manifesto

// advocacy // essay

How can we design the internet-connected deceives in an ethical and responsible way?

In 2015 we were in the midst of the Internet of Things (IoT) bubble, where we were confronted with its opportunity, controversy, and ambiguity. In a collaboration with professional designers who work with this technologies, we wrote a manifesto to frame discussions around how we should design these technologies.

The IoT Design Manifesto is a code of conduct of the 10 principles of responsible and ethical design of these technologies.
The manifesto is currently being introduced and discussed in workshops with other design professionals and thought leaders within the realm of the IoT. These workshops bring to light the challenges and best practices of each of the principles. The manifesto is also currently being used by design companies to guide their development processes and in discussions with clients.

You can find the manifesto at:
Contact us at info [at] for more information.


Creative Industry Fund NL 


 "Implementing Responsible Design in a Connected World." ThingsCon 2015. Amsterdam, Netherlands. 4 December 2015

"Hacking the IoT Manifesto." Ghent IoT MeetUp. Antwerp, Belgium. 12 June 2014.

"Hacking the IoT Manifesto." ThingsCon 2015. Berlin, Germany. 8 May 2015.


Vanhemert, Kyle. “When Homes Become Connected Designers Will Save Us.” Wired Magazine. June 16, 2015.




The Incredible MachineAfdeling Buitengewone Zaken, Beyond IO, and Frolic